Kim Wheeler Poitevien
Kim Wheeler Poitevien
(215) 882-9840
Kim Wheeler Poitevien

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About Me

I'm Kim Wheeler Poitevien, and I'm a therapist who is qualified to help your child confidently express their feelings and needs. I've worked with kids and teens in their homes, schools, residential placements, and hospitals. My experience and training in behavior, attachment, and trauma have helped me understand how kids process changes and can struggle with big issues.

I understand what they may be going through and how unsafe the world can feel, that's why I provide a safe place with me in my office to work alongside them in their healing. Most people would describe me as open, calm, and playful, which is helpful for working with children. Every child is invited to bring whatever is present for them and arrive just as they are.

My Location

static image of 8419 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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